> > > ~*+ [*+.: [N]ever [gi]ve [u]p or re[g]ret 4ever ::.+*] +*~
<-=-=~+`[*Couple of Words*]`+~-=-=->
~4ever missing you, Every now and den..~
~Hope u understand how i feel for you~
~Hoping to win ur heart, someday, somehow..~
~No matter how hard it is.. I'm still luving u..~
Sunday, October 09, 2005

Aiya.. This few days too blog to blog arx.. lols
Let me see.. lalala
After the exam of thurs and fri..
As usual for two days..
We went to play basketball.. lols
Den Friday is the day I played longest Basketball.. lols
After exam, abt 11.30am..
we played until 5pm.. lols
Jia lat lorz.. Play until sunburn abit and leg breaking..
My both shoulder still in pain now.. lols
Den tat day went home bath..
Both arms, shoulders all turn burning red.. Aaa..
lalala, den went bac to Jia Jun hse..
Staying at his home few days nia..
Ermx, 4gt.. On thurs veri song,
my mother went to Genting wit Jun's sis n his mother..
Why my father no go!!!
Den I went to Jun's hse staying..
Bringing laptop oso no use..
His hse no wireless connection.. Diaoz...
Den abt 2.30am den slp bahx.. tat all for Thurs
Fri arx.. at his hse bore bore de..
Played awhile MapleSea den dunno do wat liao..
Watching tv, play Age of Empires....
until 3+am den slp.. lols
But Jia Jun slp around 11 or 12 liao.. lols
Next day he gt work mahx..
Leaving his bro play maple.. I play AOE..
Aaa.. actually jun woke me at 6 liao..
but slp like benched whale..
den late for my study group.. lols..
reached JE library le.. lols
Gt Jac, KaiYun, Natasha, Yuan He and me..
ermx, bought Poa for me..
but read awhile wanna faint..
So I go dere whole day like accompany them nia..
Den we gt eat Long John.. hehe..
After short while Kel, Ray, He Xian joined in..
Here we goes, natasha and kaiyun...
after the "studying",
we went to arcade a short while nia..
Den me, kel, xian, ray went eat dinner...
lidat lidat..
Den I went home lorz.. Guai Sia.. lols
Actaully tis post is ALL CrapZzz.....
lalala.. Tat's All, for tis junk post..

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 10:30 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

~* [*IntR0duc+i0nN*] *~

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~* [*pR0fil3*] *~

  • Name: [C]hee [K]it
  • [+aka Calvin+]
  • Age: 15, 7 months old..
  • D.o.B: 15 Feb 1990 (Total Defence Day)
  • I'm a [A]quarius, in é year of [H]orse..
  • 1 Nephew + 1 Niece..
  • School: Hillgrove Sec
  • Class: 1e3'o3 >> 2e3'o4 >> 3e4'o5
  • Email: [K]iller_BugZ@hotmail.com
  • **[M]sn, [h]i-5 & [F]riendster abled**
  • ~* [*LykZzz*] *~

  • +*~ [*[M]y [B]eloved [O]ne*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ll [k]ind of [B]lue..*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[R]un-[H]olic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[W]ork-[H]olic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[B]asketball*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[L]isten to [M]usic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[O]nline [G]ames*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[C]hat in [M]sn*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ble to c [H]er*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing [H]er*] ~*+

  • ---- m O r E e ----

    ~* [*God Sibilings*] *~

    # God Brother - Raymond
    # God Sister - Si Xuan
    # God Sister - Chiu Ting
    # God Sister - Ting Yun
    # God Mei - Jacqueline
    # God Mei - Shanie
    # God Mei - Audrey
    # God Mei - HuangYing
    # God Mei - Janice
    # God Mei - Cynthia
    # God Mei - Priscilla
    # God Mei - Farhana
    # God Mei - Joanne
    # God Mei - Yu Wen
    # God Mei - Yi Wen
    # God Mei - Tiffany
    # God Mei - Sihua
    # God Mei - Guanyi
    # God Mei - Fengru
    # God Mei - Cheng Yee
    # God Mei - Fang Ting
    # God Mei - Pamela
    ->Waiting for ur accept-tion<- >Jia Xin, ShuTing (Dun believe one) >Siew Min, Emily, Rachelle (Nv reply) >Cynthia, Renee, Cherie..

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