> > > ~*+ [*+.: [N]ever [gi]ve [u]p or re[g]ret 4ever ::.+*] +*~
<-=-=~+`[*Couple of Words*]`+~-=-=->
~4ever missing you, Every now and den..~
~Hope u understand how i feel for you~
~Hoping to win ur heart, someday, somehow..~
~No matter how hard it is.. I'm still luving u..~
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm veri de sorry tat I like 3 ppl now..
I oso veri confuse..
SH, ignore me 1year + liao..
I really veri sad..
I wan to 4gt u..
But everytime saw u..
Jus unable to do it..
SA, Actually veri scare losing u..
Cause our link, mainly by work..
It's work brought me to noe u..
If u ever quit, though u live nearby
I may jus nv meet u again..
SM, Pls dun angry wit me..
I noe u wan me to stop chasing u..
Rmb, I'll try to be ur frenz..
So lax lax..
But u nid to giv me chance to do so..
Do u noe,
It's hard to giv up anyone..
Tat's why, from 1.. now 3..
If anyone ask me who I like most..
I can't ans anyone..
I'm dead serious for them..
2 sch, 1 work..
I dunno wat to do!!!
I jus wanna be wit 1 of you..
It's you giv me the motivation to life
It's oso you nv giv me chance to luv u

~~Memories of Heaven~~

SH. Someone I like since Sec 2..
>>Told her @ o9aug..
>>Ignore me till now..
>>We spoken to each other
>>From Met till Now
>>nt even 3 sentences..

SA. Trying to 4gt the SH..
>>Den met SA at workplace
>>She havin' interview tat day
>>Told her since 1 month
>>She started work
>>The Monkey Pix
>Dun wan show her in my HP
>I dun wan u to delete it
>>Now she work seldom..
>>I'm Waiting for You
**Sob Sob - Awaiting 4 her, yet gt problems**
>>Attach to Plaza Sing
-1st time met SH outdoor..
>>Party Bash @ IMM

SM. I cannot tell who's her..
>>Can I keep the secret
>>Met her since Sec 2
>>No chance to know her nia
>>Met her by coincidence..
>>I wan to b ur frenz

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 10:47 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

How are you man..
So long nv see u @ work liao..
Gt new hp le mahx..
I wan to flood ur phone.. lols
Paiseh lorz, tat time called ur home..
Kanna scold by u..
Heartbroken le.. dotz.
Jus care for u nia.. Haix..
my duty as sumone like u mahx..
Tis Sunday mid-autumn le..
wan eat mooncakes mahx..
tink I would gt u one..
Nv ask u nia.. ermx..
Omg, maybe ask u on Sat..
When u working..
Hope i rmb.. lols..
If you ever see this msg..
Dun act blur.. Wahaha
Feel free to call me le..
My phone alwae on..
Unless no batt..
Or confiscate.. wahaha

~+*Memories of Heaven*+~

-Total Coincidence - Sep Holiday
>Nv expect seeing u tat day
>tot u slack at home, nt out dere..

-1st Time asking u out - 01jul
>Movie, though failed..

-Ur joining of KAP - Mar
>I was veri happi..
>cos I like u since ur interview
>able to work wit you.. "p

-Ur interview - Feb?
>1st time seeing you..
>OJE of Maggie - taught her lobby..
>Another Coincidence
>I con't lobby, saw u and CL..

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 10:24 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

Long Long time before i blog liao..
Veri veri sian to blog le.. lols
So sometime, i sudden gone from blog..

Blogskin: Edited from my past blog.. By Rachelle..

The link may expired.. lols.. Others oso may gone from blog.. lol

Record: My Memories of Heaven - Tian Guo De Ji Yi
>>>Bleahx.. Jus my diaries nia.. lols

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 10:20 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

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~* [*pR0fil3*] *~

  • Name: [C]hee [K]it
  • [+aka Calvin+]
  • Age: 15, 7 months old..
  • D.o.B: 15 Feb 1990 (Total Defence Day)
  • I'm a [A]quarius, in é year of [H]orse..
  • 1 Nephew + 1 Niece..
  • School: Hillgrove Sec
  • Class: 1e3'o3 >> 2e3'o4 >> 3e4'o5
  • Email: [K]iller_BugZ@hotmail.com
  • **[M]sn, [h]i-5 & [F]riendster abled**
  • ~* [*LykZzz*] *~

  • +*~ [*[M]y [B]eloved [O]ne*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ll [k]ind of [B]lue..*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[A]ble to c [H]er*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing [H]er*] ~*+

  • ---- m O r E e ----

    ~* [*God Sibilings*] *~

    # God Brother - Raymond
    # God Sister - Si Xuan
    # God Sister - Chiu Ting
    # God Sister - Ting Yun
    # God Mei - Jacqueline
    # God Mei - Shanie
    # God Mei - Audrey
    # God Mei - HuangYing
    # God Mei - Janice
    # God Mei - Cynthia
    # God Mei - Priscilla
    # God Mei - Farhana
    # God Mei - Joanne
    # God Mei - Yu Wen
    # God Mei - Yi Wen
    # God Mei - Tiffany
    # God Mei - Sihua
    # God Mei - Guanyi
    # God Mei - Fengru
    # God Mei - Cheng Yee
    # God Mei - Fang Ting
    # God Mei - Pamela
    ->Waiting for ur accept-tion<- >Jia Xin, ShuTing (Dun believe one) >Siew Min, Emily, Rachelle (Nv reply) >Cynthia, Renee, Cherie..

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