> > > ~*+ [*+.: [N]ever [gi]ve [u]p or re[g]ret 4ever ::.+*] +*~
<-=-=~+`[*Couple of Words*]`+~-=-=->
~4ever missing you, Every now and den..~
~Hope u understand how i feel for you~
~Hoping to win ur heart, someday, somehow..~
~No matter how hard it is.. I'm still luving u..~
Sunday, January 15, 2006

I'm in my Dream, dreaming abt you..
Ermx, I mean my xiiaopriincess of mui life..
Are you the one I'm looking for??
Dun ever drag my past abt me liking who,
cause none of them appreciate me..
Haix, jus wanna con't my life
until the day
sumone come to me and say,
'she like me',
maybe impossible mission..
Last Memories of SM.SA.SH
**SM jus hiding away from me..
no matter how much I 'try' to do,
she nv appreciate..

**SA said I pester her, loiter at her void deck..
Sian diao, she nv noe me..
I jus walking past nia,
lols, most of you shud noe..
whenever i having problem,
i jus walk a whole round of Bukit Panjang.. lols
mad mad sia.. lols
Sometime, seeing her work veri hard..
jus wanna to feed her stomach..
But dunno how she said tat i ANYHOW give..

**SH waited for 1 year til few months ago..
She has become my mei,
I really dun mind 4gt-ing how long i waited for her..
Jus want her to be happy..
I would be able to see her 'sunshine' smile.. "p
School life still okay larz,
though retented.. SianZzz..
but dropping A Maths is my wise chose.. lols

There's jus too many Girls tat I like..
But only few of them,
whom I really wan to spend my time wit them..
Cause I'm luving them..
There's a problem, who I really like..
other than the past 3..
Jia lat sia......

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 12:18 am

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

~* [*IntR0duc+i0nN*] *~

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~* [*pR0fil3*] *~

  • Name: [C]hee [K]it
  • [+aka Calvin+]
  • Age: 15, 7 months old..
  • D.o.B: 15 Feb 1990 (Total Defence Day)
  • I'm a [A]quarius, in é year of [H]orse..
  • 1 Nephew + 1 Niece..
  • School: Hillgrove Sec
  • Class: 1e3'o3 >> 2e3'o4 >> 3e4'o5
  • Email: [K]iller_BugZ@hotmail.com
  • **[M]sn, [h]i-5 & [F]riendster abled**
  • ~* [*LykZzz*] *~

  • +*~ [*[M]y [B]eloved [O]ne*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ll [k]ind of [B]lue..*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[C]hat in [M]sn*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ble to c [H]er*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing [H]er*] ~*+

  • ---- m O r E e ----

    ~* [*God Sibilings*] *~

    # God Brother - Raymond
    # God Sister - Si Xuan
    # God Sister - Chiu Ting
    # God Sister - Ting Yun
    # God Mei - Jacqueline
    # God Mei - Shanie
    # God Mei - Audrey
    # God Mei - HuangYing
    # God Mei - Janice
    # God Mei - Cynthia
    # God Mei - Priscilla
    # God Mei - Farhana
    # God Mei - Joanne
    # God Mei - Yu Wen
    # God Mei - Yi Wen
    # God Mei - Tiffany
    # God Mei - Sihua
    # God Mei - Guanyi
    # God Mei - Fengru
    # God Mei - Cheng Yee
    # God Mei - Fang Ting
    # God Mei - Pamela
    ->Waiting for ur accept-tion<- >Jia Xin, ShuTing (Dun believe one) >Siew Min, Emily, Rachelle (Nv reply) >Cynthia, Renee, Cherie..

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