> > > ~*+ [*+.: [N]ever [gi]ve [u]p or re[g]ret 4ever ::.+*] +*~
<-=-=~+`[*Couple of Words*]`+~-=-=->
~4ever missing you, Every now and den..~
~Hope u understand how i feel for you~
~Hoping to win ur heart, someday, somehow..~
~No matter how hard it is.. I'm still luving u..~
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

sian sian sian..
tml is 8th day of work liao..
falling asleep sia.. too boring liao..
sian today den noe..
mac owing me abt $80+ pay.. Aaa..
`sometime really hope she could reply or come for my date..
cause i felt tat i hope i could ever spent sometime wit her..
though we nt stead..
but holiday almost everytime working..
i would spent my day off wit her...
nv tink whr to go larz..
she wanna go anywhr.. i jus accompany her..
chit chat, shopping, makan..
wah, yesterday jus dreamt of her..
my hand was her her shoulder..
though tat jus a short while in dream..
but do enough for me.. "p..
aiyo.. tml working at 12.30pm..
morning tink going sch for awhile..
hand in form.. do wat i wanna to do..
maybe b4 class start.. jus go in class to peek at her..
jus a short short while.. lols..
den maybe idle around..
or maybe early time go mac sit sit.. lols..
aiya, see first lorz..
do you noe wat i tinking of..
is jus to spent my time wit you..
and to love you ever more..
`every during the day u hav work..
I do enjoy ur presence..
though u usually kicked me.. lols
and today kanna twice of her flying kick..
for no proper reason..
"the machine spolit, u last one noe"
"once u pda, u ran away, whr gt time to tell you.."
Aiya, but nvm de larz..
used to it liao.. at least tat how we interact bahx.. lols
wat she noe abt me now, is nt wat i used to be..
it was ever since i work.. i learned lots of good and badty thingy..
so now i tend to suan ppl after ppl said them..
somehow like jus repeating wat they said..
tink she dunno abt it..
everytime say me bad... haiyo..
aiyo.. i nv ask her out de larz..
only if work.. see she gonna be late,
den asked if she wanna take cab lorz..
but she did pangseh me, she took cabby herself.. lols
now her ex oso work in mac lorz..
nth to argue abt him larz..
he look innocent nia and he same age as me and her..
see him like sobby, make him look innocent..
btw, his an indonesian..
next year sec 3 as he start sch in later time..
RenJie find him buai song.. dunno why..
maybe i gt abit larz.. tat natural..
oh ya, someday sure be friend wit him.. "p
by the way, all the one i like,
all was once ex of kelvin.. diaox..
diff kel larz.. lols.. only coincidence nia..
`Aiyo, duno why add her in..
maybe now she still tink i only last time like her..
month ago still gt larz.. but now fading away..
I duno how i felt.. or duno wat to do..
It jus fade natural w'out much of my attention..
By the way, Wed.. tat's today is her 15th B'day..
oh no, nv buy her anything..
maybe tis few days buy her a thingy forher..
at least a b'day card bahx..
I duno wat to write in inside..
maybe I would propose to her as my mei..
tat would be our last resort to stay as gd gd frenz..
so as to noe her more & able to care of her as my other meis..

Typed tonnes of wat i wanted to write..
duno who would read it anot..
btw, 11.57pm to 12.35am de blogging
I going to sleep liao.. or else, tml cannot wake up le..

I miss you, I want you, I love you..
Beloved SM.SA

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 11:57 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

~* [*IntR0duc+i0nN*] *~

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  • Name: [C]hee [K]it
  • [+aka Calvin+]
  • Age: 15, 7 months old..
  • D.o.B: 15 Feb 1990 (Total Defence Day)
  • I'm a [A]quarius, in é year of [H]orse..
  • 1 Nephew + 1 Niece..
  • School: Hillgrove Sec
  • Class: 1e3'o3 >> 2e3'o4 >> 3e4'o5
  • Email: [K]iller_BugZ@hotmail.com
  • **[M]sn, [h]i-5 & [F]riendster abled**
  • ~* [*LykZzz*] *~

  • +*~ [*[M]y [B]eloved [O]ne*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ll [k]ind of [B]lue..*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[R]un-[H]olic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[W]ork-[H]olic*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[L]isten to [M]usic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[O]nline [G]ames*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[C]hat in [M]sn*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ble to c [H]er*] ~*+
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  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing [H]er*] ~*+

  • ---- m O r E e ----

    ~* [*God Sibilings*] *~

    # God Brother - Raymond
    # God Sister - Si Xuan
    # God Sister - Chiu Ting
    # God Sister - Ting Yun
    # God Mei - Jacqueline
    # God Mei - Shanie
    # God Mei - Audrey
    # God Mei - HuangYing
    # God Mei - Janice
    # God Mei - Cynthia
    # God Mei - Priscilla
    # God Mei - Farhana
    # God Mei - Joanne
    # God Mei - Yu Wen
    # God Mei - Yi Wen
    # God Mei - Tiffany
    # God Mei - Sihua
    # God Mei - Guanyi
    # God Mei - Fengru
    # God Mei - Cheng Yee
    # God Mei - Fang Ting
    # God Mei - Pamela
    ->Waiting for ur accept-tion<- >Jia Xin, ShuTing (Dun believe one) >Siew Min, Emily, Rachelle (Nv reply) >Cynthia, Renee, Cherie..

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