> > > ~*+ [*+.: [N]ever [gi]ve [u]p or re[g]ret 4ever ::.+*] +*~
<-=-=~+`[*Couple of Words*]`+~-=-=->
~4ever missing you, Every now and den..~
~Hope u understand how i feel for you~
~Hoping to win ur heart, someday, somehow..~
~No matter how hard it is.. I'm still luving u..~
Sunday, September 25, 2005

lols.. Another passing soon..
One whole day, many thingy happened..
Aiya, jus wat I do lorz..
Morning only maple awhile b4 go 4 tut lorz..
tut tut tut..
Tot finished tut, she would be gone.. lols
She still slacking at crew room.. lols
lols.. she still hao lian abt her A Maths.. lols
Den let her do I sum in my textbook,
purposely choose 1 tat I done correct one..
She do do.. oso nt done.. lols
Den she said she do by foundation way.. lols
Cause she cannot rmb some formula..
1. Cos(p2)x+Sin(p2)x = 1
2. Tan(p2)x + 1 = Sec(p2)x
3. 1 + Cot(p2)x = Cosec(p2)x
But she still manage to pass tests le.. lols
After tat, went 2 hour Arcade @ Panjang..
Mad.. lols.. KAP to Plaza jus to play..
Den go bac KAP again.. lols
Almost peak hour.. Only 2 counter crews nia..
I veri good one lorz..
I want to help out.. lols
But actualli cannot de lorz.. lols
Help help help....
wit my home clothes and slipper.. lols
But bian larz..
Gt MDS, Party, Drive thru, Counter..
So rush.. Nvm, jus help lorz..
Usually free labour,
mus reserve for me Fries le.. lols..
today diff, home clothes..
Only help pack food, freezer take things..
Alots larz, gt wat can help.. jus do.. lols
But nt wash toilet.. !!!!
From 5+ to 8+.. lols
Wait for Jia Jun mahx.. lols
Nt for her larz..
She still gt lesson around 4pm.. lols..
Today Hui Shan aka Shanie or Shan Mei.. lols
Her 15th B'day le..
So ke lian, no go out wit frenz..
Slack at home wit frenz nia..
Go out hav fun mahx..
I gt u present.. lols
Next time pass to you since u on leave..
Almost all my mei gt wallets larz..
so u no exception,
unless u request for ur long dream thingy..
tat i can afford.. nt too ex, no budget.. lols..
Some mei, their b'day i 4gt.. lols
nv buy them.. hehe..
I'm so paiseh..
Blogging from 10.15pm to 10.55pm..

~~Jin Tian, Zhen You Yi Zhong Chong Dong~~
~~Xiang Yong Bao Ni, Dan Wo Zhuo Bu Dao~~
~~Wu Lun Shi Ni Men Na Yi Wei~~
~~You Nan Sheng He Li Men Hen Qing Mi~~
~~Wo Du Hui Hen Ji Du~~
~~Jiu Yin Wei, Wo Ai Ni~~
~~Wo Hen Mei Yong, Zui Bu Dao Ni~~
~~Wo Hai Zhi Nen Zhan Zai Yi Pang~~
~~Wang Zu Ni~~
~~Wo Zhen De Hao Xiang Zai Ni Mian Qian~~
~~Da Ku Yi Chang~~
~~Yong Gan Shuo Chu~~
~~Wo Fei Chang Ai Ni, Dan Ni Bu Zhi Dao~~
~~Xiang Ai Hen Wan~~

~*+ArDnAs - I'm Missing You+*~ @ 10:15 pm

~*+-=-=-=-=-=-=Signed Off=-=-=-=-=-=-+*~

~* [*IntR0duc+i0nN*] *~

Ctrl + D to bookmark this page to ur Favourites.. Mus do it during or after looking at the site.. Arigato!!

~* [*pR0fil3*] *~

  • Name: [C]hee [K]it
  • [+aka Calvin+]
  • Age: 15, 7 months old..
  • D.o.B: 15 Feb 1990 (Total Defence Day)
  • I'm a [A]quarius, in é year of [H]orse..
  • 1 Nephew + 1 Niece..
  • School: Hillgrove Sec
  • Class: 1e3'o3 >> 2e3'o4 >> 3e4'o5
  • Email: [K]iller_BugZ@hotmail.com
  • **[M]sn, [h]i-5 & [F]riendster abled**
  • ~* [*LykZzz*] *~

  • +*~ [*[M]y [B]eloved [O]ne*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ll [k]ind of [B]lue..*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[R]un-[H]olic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[W]ork-[H]olic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[B]asketball*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[L]isten to [M]usic*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[O]nline [G]ames*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[C]hat in [M]sn*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[A]ble to c [H]er*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[W]atching [T]v*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing*] ~*+
  • +*~ [*[S]ms-ing [H]er*] ~*+

  • ---- m O r E e ----

    ~* [*God Sibilings*] *~

    # God Brother - Raymond
    # God Sister - Si Xuan
    # God Sister - Chiu Ting
    # God Sister - Ting Yun
    # God Mei - Jacqueline
    # God Mei - Shanie
    # God Mei - Audrey
    # God Mei - HuangYing
    # God Mei - Janice
    # God Mei - Cynthia
    # God Mei - Priscilla
    # God Mei - Farhana
    # God Mei - Joanne
    # God Mei - Yu Wen
    # God Mei - Yi Wen
    # God Mei - Tiffany
    # God Mei - Sihua
    # God Mei - Guanyi
    # God Mei - Fengru
    # God Mei - Cheng Yee
    # God Mei - Fang Ting
    # God Mei - Pamela
    ->Waiting for ur accept-tion<- >Jia Xin, ShuTing (Dun believe one) >Siew Min, Emily, Rachelle (Nv reply) >Cynthia, Renee, Cherie..

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